About The Heraldic Shields
The coat of arms depicted in this web site was drawn by heraldic artists at the request of Alexander David William Pluckrose on the 10th of October 1974. The shields are drawn based upon information about the Pluckrose name and its association with heraldry.
The language of the ancient herald, the arms are described as follows:
"Quartered: 1st, or; the letter "P" sa.; 2nd and 3rd, vert.; an heraldic rose gu.; 4th, sa.; a fess or. Charged with a small inner shield vert."
The Pluckrose arms is translated as:
Divided into quarters: 1st quarter, gold background; a black initial "P", 2nd and 3rd quarters, green background; a red ancient heraldic rose; 4th quarter, black background; a gold horizontal band. A small green inner shield placed over all.


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